Unexpected downtime during production operations can result in order delays, reputational losses and lost revenue. In addition, the unpredictability of reactive maintenance means that labour and spare parts may not be readily available, so organizations end up paying a premium for sending emergency parts, travel time and post-work support. Of course, there are exceptions. Some sectors that depend on remote assets (for example. B satellites) will be more and more responsive because the cost of preventative maintenance is simply too high. As a general rule, however, reactive maintenance should be reserved for components that are inexpensive and easy to replace and for which a failure does not cause collateral damage to the system. Looking at the reactive approach, note that the average company can expect about 14 hours of downtime per year. Conclusion: the points of the agreement will promote better communication in this area and clarification of differences of opinion will lead to further studies and discussions. However, the other aspect of the cost equation is the cost of downtime.
For small businesses, downtime is estimated at between $137 and $427 per minute. The fact that excessive downtime can impose such high costs on your business is the main drawback of responsive IT support. This is, by its very nature, more downtime than a proactive approach. You have many different possibilities when it comes to the best technology strategy for your business. In addition to setting your IT budget, you also need to decide whether you want to take a reactive or proactive approach to your IT support. This decoupling in a vacuum (see definition of isolation), activated by asynchronous transmission and decoupling of instances of execution of their references, is what we call the transparency of the site. The transparency of the site is often confused with “transparent distributed processing”, when in fact it is the opposite: we support the network and all its constraints – such as partial errors, network sharing, deleted messages and its asynchronous and intelligence-based nature – by making it a first class in the programming model, instead of trying to implore the sending of in-process methods into the network (alaala XA, etc.).