Website Hosting Agreement Sample

If the host is unable to indicate the level of availability indicated in the service level agreement and the user complies with its credit requirement procedures, the user will receive a credit based on the credit percentages listed in Schedule B. The host must give all the information below on the next invoice. This web hosting agreement was concluded between [Client.FirstName] [Client. LastName] (owner of the web application) and [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] (Hosting Provider). The main objective of this agreement is to move forward in a longer-term contract, under which the company offers web hosting services from [Accord. Date] and begins with the maintenance of all delivery components. The web hosting provider will comply with the following conditions during the terms of the contract, unless the parties agree otherwise. A website is as good as your server – and a server is as good as its hosting contract. This website hosting agreement has been updated with a number of new provisions.

Existing provisions have been streamlined as much as possible to facilitate the use of the document. New provisions have been added, including provisions for personal data processing, general data protection, network and information system security, and acceptance testing (which take place prior to the site`s live procedure). PandaTip: This section of the web hosting model is the norm and serves to protect you from unforeseen circumstances that may occur during the agreement. The relationship between the parties under this agreement is independent and no joint venture, partnership, agency, employer-employee relationship or similar relationship is established in or through this agreement. Neither party can take or create obligations on behalf of the other party and no party can take any action that results in such authority. This agreement is the final agreement of the parties. This is the complete and exclusive expression of the agreement reached between the parties on the purpose of this agreement. All prior and simultaneous communications, negotiations and agreements between the parties on the purpose of this agreement are expressly incorporated into and replaced by this agreement. The provisions of this agreement must not be declared, supplemented or qualified by evidence of the use of trade or a previous activity.

None of the parties was led to conclude this agreement and neither party is based on statements, representation, guarantee or agreement, except those expressly defined in this agreement. Unless expressly stated in this agreement, there are no conditions for the effectiveness of this agreement. An amendment to this agreement will only be effective if it is written down and signed by both parties. Before the website is ready, the customer must provide all the necessary materials to the host so that the host can set up the website and prepare it for testing.

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